Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chapter 5.5 - Busted!

"Mommy!" Haley said as she run up to me and clung to my leg as soon as I walked in the door.

"Hi hunny!"

"How was your trip?" Angelo asked me.

"Fantastic, how did it go here? Were the girls good?"

"The girls were very good, they played in their room almost the entire time." Angelo said with some hesitation in his voice.

"Are you sure?" I asked him wondering how it had really went. "What did you boys do?"

"we watched the football game and played video games."

"typical boys," Julian said as he came inside carrying the last of our luggage "Always glued to the t.v., probably watching the cheerleaders."

Angelo barely smiled and let out a small laugh before going to his room to change for his interview for a part time job at a local clothing store. He wasn't acting like himself and I knew something happened while we were gone. i was going to find out what happened and hopefully soon.

Meanwhile upstairs ~ Bianca's P.O.V.
"yes sir...a week from today..yes sir, thank you," I hung up the phone and put all of my paperwork abck in my briefcase. Moving to Bled island was going to be a huge move but i was defiantly ready. being in a new city and in a new movie was defiantly going to keep my life on track. I was still upset about what I had done to get the last of the money I needed to move.

"Bianca? I need to talk to you."

"Ok, come on in Scotty."

I had never really talked to Scotty before but he was defiantly very good looking for, especially for a teenage boy. Little did Scotty know I knew quite a bit about him, more than he knew, and that was why I have not been able to talk to him let alone look at him lately.

"Bianca, I know you know why I want to talk to you."

"No actually I don't," i said a bit surprised at his forwardness.

"Yes you do," Scotty said getting closer to me and pausing before he added, "I know you were the dancer that night Angelo and I showed up at Club Kama Simtra."

"Oh don't..."

"I also know you were the one that took me downstairs," Scotty said with a grin "And don't worry I am not going to tell your family."

I could feel the blood rushing and the heat spread across my cheeks. I felt so ashamed and wished I could take that night back. How could I have done this especially with Angelo's best friend. As I sat down and put my head in my hands with shame I could hear Scotty walking towards me.

"hey, it's ok, really," He said as he put his arm around my shoulders "It's our little secret. Besides you're hot and that night was fantastic! I would go back to that night in an instant if I could."

"Really?" I asked him, finally looking at his face.

"Yes. Look Bianca, I know there is a significant age difference between us and you might not feel the same way but I like you...a lot."

"I do feel the same way, that's why I came up to you in the club that night."

I couldn't believe I actually got up the nerve to tell him that but it was true. I don't care if people thought it was wrong, we both felt the same way and that's all that mattered. Without even thinking twice about anything (and what room we were in) we were wrapped in eachothers arms and eventually under the sheets.

The time that followed was wonderful and extremely perfect and we cuddled after until...

"Oh my god, what the hell is going on in here?!"

"Geez Angelo, don't you knock first?" I said

I wrapped the sheet around me and sat on the edge of the bed, furious and embarrassed at the same time.

"Get out of here now!" I shouted

"You, I will deal with you later!" Angelo said to Scotty with hate in his eyes.


Back to Mia:

"Angelo it has been a week," i said "Are you still upset?"

"Obviously mom, he said to me "How could this happen? I don't even want to see Scotty or Aunt Bianca around here anymore!"

"Hunny, i'm so sorry and I am upset to. Bianca shouldn't have done this, I don't know what she was thin...."

*Ring Ring*

"Hold on Angelo"

I dug my phone out of my purse, looked at the screen, and knew this was important. The parents from school/the neighborhood never call me.

"Hello...Hi Mr. Striker, can I help you?" As I listened to him I looked over at Angelo," He did WHAT!? I am very sorry, I will handle this right now!"

I hung up the phone and set it down on the counter.

"Angelo Abruzzi! How about you tell me what happened while we were on vacation?"

"Nothing mom..."

"Stop Angelo, that was Mr. Striker," I said crossing my arms "He said you and Scotty egged his house. Why?"

"I'm sorry mom, I..."

*Ring Ring*

"What now?" I said as I picked up my phone, "Hi Mrs. Lum, how are you?"

I could not believe what i was hearing. I thought I had raised Angelo better than this.

"I assure you I did NOT ok that and it wont happen again. Thank you for letting me know."

I hung up the phone again and turned around to Angelo, "Seems to me a lot has happened while we were gone. I am giving you one last chance to tell me what happened."

Without saying anything Angelo walked into the dining room.

"You better stop right now mister. Again tell me what really happened because according to Mrs. Lum her son was a little sick when he got home."

"Ok, ok...alright. Scotty and I did egg the Strikers house but we also threw a party and invited a bunch of people over. I know it was wrong and i'm sorry. It wont happen again without your permission I promise."

"Well, thank you for finally being honest but you are still grounded for 2 weeks. School, work, and back home, that is it. I am telling you right now Angelo, if things do not start to change with you you will be going to a boarding school!"

"Angelo nodded his head and then went up to his room.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chapter 5.4 - When The Cats Away the Mice Will Play!

"Bye you guys," I shouted

"Don't forget the rules and take care of your sisters," my mom said as they drove away.

As I shut the door a huge smile crept across my face.

"Oh man, this is just perfect!" i said to Scotty

"I know, so what's the plan?"

"It's time to go on SimBook and post an event for a big party here tomorrow."

"Yes, and invite a ton of popular kids. We get them to show up and the girls will come."

As I posted the party info and invited about 10 people I thought of one girl I wanted to see. Not only was she gorgeous but she was the only popular girl that would actually talk to me. This girl was so sweet and caring and as I looked at her picture on SimBook I prayed that she would give me a chance to prove that we should be together.

"Holy paradise!" I heard Scotty say behind me, "Who is that little sex kitten?"

"Satine," I answered still in deep thought,"Don't call her a sex kitten either. She's not like that and she is the only one I want to be with."

"Oh sorry dude, man you are whipped. Wait a minute, who is THAT?" Scotty said pointing to a girl on Satine's friends list.

"Hmmm, according to this that is Tiana. Oh I have seen her before, she is one of Satine's closest friends and she is in my Creative Writing class."

"You have GOT to invite her!"

The Next Evening

"You girls need to stay up here. Play with your dolls, blocks, computer or whatever it is that you little kids do."

"Why can't we go downstairs or outside to play?" Tara asked me.

"Because i'm in charge and mom said you girls need to do what i say."

"Mhm," Haley said, "lets go play you guys, Angelo is in one of his moods."

Back downstairs I made sure everything was cleaned and I turned the stereo on and changed it to a hiphop station. No sooner did I turn the station on, the doorbell rang.

"Oh yea, it's party time!" Scotty said as I walked to the front door, immediately seeing the person who rang the doorbell, it was her.

I opened the door and let everyone inside. I couldn't believe how many people had showed up. As I looked around the living room at the mass of people I saw that Scotty was already getting close to Tiana.

"Wow, he sure doesn't waste any time does he?" I thought to myself.

I hadn't seen Satine since I let everyone in and I was beginning to think that she thought this party was lame and left. I grabbed a drink from the bar and walked through the crowd of people in my house searching for the only one I wanted to see. With all the people that were here I figured she would still be here but she probably had a boyfriend and was out with him now. I was a fool to think she would stick around for my party.

"Great party Angelo."

When i turned around I immediately felt better. Satine was still here, in my living room, talking to me.

"Thank you, not bad for being last minute."

"Who is Tiana with? they sure are comfortable with each other."

"That's my friend Scotty, he' to Bridgeport." I said as I noticed they were still making out.

"Well, good for them," She said smiling.

Satine and I ended up chatting for the rest of the night. We got along great and it turned out we actually had a lot in common, a lot of the same interests.

The party was a big hit and everyone left in a fantastic mood. People would be talking about this party for ages! After I checked on my sister, who were already asleep, i realized that it was up to me to clean the house before my parents came home. It was a lot to get done but I was finally able to go to 4 in the morning!




"Dude, wake up! We need to get rid of this stereo before your parents get home!" Scotty said.

"Oh crap!" I said jumping out of bed "I forgot all about the new stereo!"

We ran downstairs and took the stereo apart enough to move it.

"Where are we going to put this?"

"Umm...I don't...oh I know where! Follow me!"

Scotty followed me to our backyard, to the building, adn up the stairs. As I opened the door i could tell Scotty was about to say something.

"What man?"

"Are you sure we can hide the stereo here?"

"Are you kidding me? My parents haven't even been up here since it was built. It's suppose to be the Butlers room but we don't have a butler yet. Besides it only needs to stay up here until I get a job. then I can just tell mom and dad that i bought it with my pay check."

"Ah, true true. Ok cool."

We put the stereo in the bedroom, locked the door on the way out, went back downstairs and into the house. I made my sisters hot dogs for lunch and while we were sitting there I heard the garage door open and my parents pull in.